Lebensfreude und...
- Körper und Seele in Balance nach der traditionellen fernöstlichen Lehre.
- So aktivieren Sie Ki-Energie und Selbstheilungskräfte.
- Vergessen Sie den Alltagsstress, und werden Sie zum ruhenden Pol.
Feng-Shui-Lösungen -...
Massgeschneiderte Feng-Shui-Lösungen für über hundert Problemsituationen
Le premier Guide Feng...
Initiez-vous au monde fascinant du Feng Shui traditionnel et de la métaphysique chinoise. Ce livre complet et amusant démystifie les différentes écoles de Feng Shui, des concepts fondamentaux comme les Cinq Éléments, le Qi, le Yin et le Yang et couvre les principes de base du Feng Shui de la Forme, des Huit Demeures et des Étoiles Volantes.
Basic Feng Shui...
Lillian Too's series of international bestsellers on the practice of feng shui have simplified and demystified this ancient Chinese practice for her hundreds of thousands of readers all over the world. Many have succeeded in enhancing their feng shui in the process achieving their aspiration and improving their lives... In this latest book, she responds to the numerous requests to make ...
The Yin House Handbook...
One-forth of The Four Celebrated Poems of Xuan Kong, the Xuankong Mizhi pioneered much of the concepts on which modern Xuan Kong Flying Stars is built. The archaic and cryptic language of this classic text no longer poses a barrier for learners. This translated version provides a concrete bridge for any students and practitioners to enable easy access to the wealth of information hidden ...