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Tratamiento de las arrugas mediante la cromoterapia
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Tratamiento de las...

Regular price €5.00 Price €1.50

Este libro pone al alcance de l profesional de la estética y la salud, un método sencillo, limpio y eficaz para la prevención y tratamiento de la arrugas faciales mediante la cromopuntura.

Lehrbuch der Strukturellen Osteopathie beim Pferd
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Lehrbuch der...

Regular price €175.00 Price €166.25

Pascal Evrard, Pferde-/Human-Osteopath und Gründer der International School of Equine Osteopathy, schafft mit vorliegendem Lehrbuch erstmals einen systematischen Zugang zur Strukturellen Osteopathie beim Pferd.

Ganzheitliche Vogeltherapie mit Homoeopathie und TCM - Konstitutionsbe
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Regular price €125.00 Price €118.75

Die ganzheitliche Behandlung von Vögeln setzt die Beschäftigung mit ihrer physisch-psychischen Persönlichkeit voraus. Die bekannte Autorin zeigt, wie dies gelingt.

Sedation und Anasthesie des Pferdes
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Sedation und...

Regular price €19.95 Price €5.99

Die tierärztliche Spezialisierung wird immer unabdingbarer - die fachliche Information dabei aber immer unübersichtlicher. In praxisnaher Form faßt der Autor die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse der Sedation, Anästhesie und Schmerzunterdrückung beim Pferd zusammen.

Chaos and Complexity - Implications for Psychological Theory and Pract
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Chaos and Complexity -...

Regular price €25.50 Price €7.65

The nature of this book is to emphasize the inherent complexity and richness of the human experience of change. Now, the author believes there to be an acceptable "scientific" explanation for this phenomona.

Models of Brief Psychodynamic Therapy - A Comparative Approach
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Models of Brief...

Regular price €51.40 Price €15.42

This practical and scholarly text presents a comprehensive review and evaluation of the theory, research, and practice of psychodynamically oriented brief psychotherapy. Offering in-depth discussions of the major clinical and theoretical approaches; chapters explore commonalities and differences in patient selection, theory of personality and psychopathology, theory of change, and techni...

COMPOUND Q -  Trichosanthin and its Clinical Applications
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Regular price €20.00 Price €6.00

"Even if someone knew nothing about trichosanthin, he would have a very good understanding of the subject upon completing this book. It is written in such a way as to make it accessible to both the doctor and the patient." Rui Jin, M.C.

Theory of high dilutions and experimental aspects
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Theory of high...

Regular price €44.37 Price €13.31

In this work, the authors springing from different scientific disciplines set down in common their knowledge and experiences to provide one explicit model of the nature and of the working of "High Dilutions". This original and multi disciplinary concensus has, as consequence, integrated the mechanism of the High Dilutions into the corpus of the Science and is in harmony with S. Hahneman...

SEIRIN® type B - 0.35x50mm, black handle, 100pcs SEIRIN® type B - 0.35x50mm, black handle, 100pcs
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Seirin® 0,35 x 50 mm -...

Regular price €13.00 Price €3.90

Short validity 10/2024 --> 70%

The new and improved SEIRIN® B-type needle includes some innovative enhancements to the popular acupuncture needle.Precise handlingThe form, design and colour of the handle of the B-type needle have been improved.You will be able to get a better grip of the handle thanks to the new corrugated form. A slip of the finger on the handle can now be almost totally ruled out.The needle has be...

Ricette naturali cinesi - l'azione energetica delle ricette più famose
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Ricette naturali...

Regular price €22.70 Price €6.81

L’azione energetica delle ricette più famose e la loro utilizzazione nella pratica clinica, Quaderni di Medicina Naturale della Rivista Italiana di Medicina Tradizionale Cinese, 240, Civitanova Marche 1994 Un testo sintetico e pratico che presenta le principali 150 prescrizioni di farmacologia cinese, suddividendole in 100 prescrizioni principali e 50 secondarie ed in 16 categorie ...